Growing Breasts, The Right Thing For Me To Do
November 20th, 2010 by Aleya

Growing Breasts, The Right Thing For Me To Do

How do you know if growing breasts is the right thing to do?

The moment I learned about the possibility of male breast enlargement – something deep inside of me said, “Yes, you need to to do this.” And even before male breast enlargement was real, my imaginary life contained images of me as a woman…

This was not about sex (my heterosexual sex life was healthy and active at the time, as it still is today.)

And this was not about me turning into a woman. I know that many of you who may read this blog are on a path to complete womanhood, and I can understand that desire… But that is not where I am at. I am very content to have breasts and perhaps a more feminine outlook… I rejoice in my feminine side. But I still prefer to stay tilted towards the physicalness of my male body and beyond an occasional “playing,” I live the male role.

Simply put, my desire in growing breasts was just about having breasts – it is what I needed and I am happy to say it is what I now have – C Cup sized breasts. And three years into having them, they still fascinate me on a daily basis. It is like there is a relationship with ongoing new revelations.

In fact, pursuing male breast enlargement and having a pair of breasts is one of the few things I have done right in this life. I feel that rightness everyday!

No matter what turmoil, frustration and doubt, from day to day, I have in the real world – I know that in growing breasts – I got that right.

Is your inner voice calling out for you to have your own breasts? If so, you are not alone, many men have that same desire.

If you have answered that call, how did you know it was the right change to make for you?

I’d love to hear your story…

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2 Responses  
  • allen writes:
    February 17th, 20112:19 amat

    I have struggled with my desire to fulfill this feminine side of my personality and the feeling deep inside that I was missing the breasts that should have grown during puberty. The moments of fulfillment when dressed as a woman brought some relief, but at the same time knowledge that I was not a women and never realy wanted to go to such lengths. Now that I have learned about male breast enlargement without having to give up being a heterosexual male my heart was filled with joy. My wife supports my decission to begin an enlargememt program and has commented that her only fear is that my breasts will be better than hers. The changes that have already taken place as my breasts begin to grow are exciting and comforting. I can assure you that taking this step toward a set of beautiful feminine breasts of my very own is absolutely the right thing for me to do.

  • Aleya writes:
    February 17th, 201110:33 amat


    The words “exciting and comforting” certainly resonate with how I have felt from the moment I started to grow breasts. Even today, my breasts comfort me in a way I can’t really explain.

    Husbands and wives have a tendency to tease each other – but just because I grew breasts never stopped me from loving and appreciating my wife’s. In fact, I believe my changes has added a greater richness to our relationship. I have been careful to reassure my wife of her specialness and of my love for her (and her body) and to listen to her concerns…

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