I recently received the following comment on another post which brings up a question that I think any man who is growing breasts has to consider – is how will people react to my female breasts in public?
I, too, wondered when I first started growing breasts, if people would treat me differently. Growing breasts was a big deal to me and it is still a big deal to me. Having breasts is a major part of my inner life, and a nice part of my private life, too. But for others, the general public, my work associates and customers and even my family, my wonderful breasts have never been an issue.
First, here is the comment from Thomas:
“I am reading all the success stories and that is wonderful, however, for those that have large breasts how do you go outside to let say the pool? I am a very good swimmer and thus wearing a t-shirt would not work – so how do you expose your self to the public at large?
“I ordered the cream, soap and drops and hope that my flat breast will get some shape, but does that mean I have to keep my top on?
“So how do you go about this, this subject is new to the public at large – although I think there are maybe millions of U.S. guys that like to have breasts, not because they are cross dressers, but that they want to have breasts.
“My wife asked me last night, if I was looking forward to the cream, and yes, I do look forward to getting a bit bigger breasts, but (I think) there is a down side of having breasts and that is public acceptance, how do you cope with that?
“Thanks, looking forwards to a response.”
In general, I would say there is nothing to cope with. My personal experience is that the general public does not notice that I look different in appearance than I used to. Instead of my male chest, I now have female breasts, but I still wear similar clothes to what I have always done – shirts, pants, coats, etc., plus a bra or not.
But I believe there is not enough discordance or dissonance, in my deviance from a regular male figure, for people in public to view me as not fitting into the range of male bodies they see every day.
Perhaps, you have noticed what I have: I now see a lot of men walking on the streets or on television whose upper chest seems to be as developed or more developed than mine and yet they fall within the image of the male gender.
Now, if I were to wear tighter clothes or blouses/shirts that emphasized my breasts, some people might be confused on what my sex was. And if I was transitioning – there would be a time when I would do that. But I am just a man with breasts, who in public anyway, pretty much looks and acts as I always have. And either no one notices or they ignore this particular physical attribute.
Some of my readers, who have larger, more noticeable breasts than mine, have told me the same thing: People do not notice or don’t care. Of course, by people I do not mean criminals, thugs and bigots of whom we must always be on guard with no matter what we look like.
I am wondering – that this lack of notice might really be a function of privacy. Beyond my wife and some necessary medical personnel – no one knows about my breasts. I have kept that private. I have told no one, nor have I dressed with a bosom revealing blouse or shirt. Nor have I gone topless in public.
As far as my family goes, they see me and we hug as families do. But the fact that my upper chest has bumps on it has never come up. And I don’t share it. I believe that I am a bit more feminine or “softer” in my manner, than I used to be, but I am still basically the same old me – a son, brother, cousin or uncle.
As long as no one sees me without a shirt on, my having breasts has remained a private matter. That is who I am, although sometimes I wish the opportunity of sharing the experiences of having breasts with others would come up.
But the main concern expressed by Thomas above – are those times when a male would normally be topless – as when you go swimming.
Personally, I think in that kind of situation people will notice, some might stare, some might be offended, some will pretend that there is nothing unusual going on and some will accept you without judgement.
Here is the thing, when you not wearing a shirt, as when you are swimming, it matters because you are revealing feminine breasts. The problem here is nudity. Female breasts are taboo in most public venues. And at some point when your breasts are growing, they will start looking like a woman’s to you and to anyone who sees them.
It is funny, as long as your physique is recognizably male – you can weigh hundreds of pounds and have fatty breasts larger than Dolly Parton’s and no one will make it an issue, as you walk around with just swimming trunks on. Because no matter how large they maybe – they look like male breasts. But if you have female breasts by definition and looks, than showing them in public may break nudity laws.
When I was in college – there was a steam room that was for men only. But I would sneak my girlfriend in with me from time to time and everybody (strangers) were always cool with it. Then one day, a particular professor came in, saw us, freaked out and kicked us out. And our private coed steam room adventure was over. The good news is that the stink raised by this professor lead to women having their own stream room built within a year.
My point for telling this story is that most people won’t care, but when nudity or gender identity comes into play someone might freak out.
So in my opinion, depending upon who you are with and the venue – public swimming pool or private beach, going without a top will bring notice to you. If you are with people you wish to and/or are comfortable sharing this part of your life with, why not? But if you are in a situation where those around might be offended and offensive – I would keep the shirt on…
But that is just me. I would love to have others weigh in on this subject? To whom have you shared being a man with breasts? Has it made a difference to those people? Is the public acting differently to you because of your breasts?
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News About Breasts in Public