The Jiggly Stage – Male Breast Enlargement
January 27th, 2011 by Aleya

The Jiggly Stage – Male Breast Enlargement

There was an interesting point in my breast development which began about a month or two, after I started my male breast enlargement program, and lasted for 2-3 months thereafter. It is what I call the jiggly stage. Others I have talked to have told me that they experienced something similar to what I will describe here…

When my breasts had grown about a cup size, they began to move in a way I had never felt before – they jiggled. They moved and that movement felt like a cup of jello inside (well two cups). I imagine what I felt was the collection of new fat cells that my body was putting in place. It was one of the important moments when I knew that my body was changing and that growing breasts was a reality.

I thought this stage would last forever, imagining that is how breasts were supposed to be, but eventually my new breasts stopped moving and even today they are fairly immobile unless I take very physical actions. I believe that after the fat cells were in place, my body began to make the interconnecting tissues to keep them in place – a lattice work.

Some men who start on a breast enlarging program – may already have “breasts” due to being overweight. These are not actually real breasts, of course – just regular fat deposits. If this is you and you have just started on a program to make your breasts real – watch for the jiggly stage – it is another sign that your program is working and your body is creating real female breasts.

What are you experiencing? Please feel free to share your thoughts and feeling. Your comments are always welcome.

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3 Responses  
  • Andie writes:
    August 24th, 201112:17 amat

    Well I am not to that stage yet. But I am looking forward to it. I am doing the Bovine Ovary route but have only recently started to feel some results. I fall within the category of being overweight and having some fat build up on my chest. While I have had some small changes in the amount of fat in my chest. I am looking forward to the stage you have mentioned. Thanks for talking about this so I will have an idea of how things are going.

  • PJ writes:
    March 29th, 201210:32 amat

    I love this stage mone are jiggling all the time. Im about a b/c cup and am working soon on lactating. I really love my new breasts. around the house i dont wear a shirt so i can see them jiggle and bounce.

  • Gary writes:
    August 22nd, 201710:15 pmat

    Mine began to jiggle at B cup. C cup were also jiggly. When my breasts became D cups the jiggling minimized. My breasts still jiggle but the movement has to be more pronounced. Washing my hair, wubada wubada wubada as I scrub my scalp. Going down stairs. Mowing the lawn. Are all breast movers.

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