Natureday Breast Enlarging Cream Goes Organic Plus Breast Health Video
Jul 10th, 2016 by Aleya

Visit Naturday

Naturday Goes Organic

I am a firm believer of eating and using organic products. So I was very excited to visit the Naturday website the other day and find that all of their products are now made with organic ingredients. That means their breast enlarging cream, pills and even the soap are now organic.

Does that mean these products are more effective than before? I don’t know for sure, but I do think that the phytoestrogens are going to be of better quality and vitality and that could make a difference. Certainly being organic products means that you don’t have to worry about the ingredients having unwanted pesticides or chemicals. That makes a difference for me.

And even if Naturday’s newly redesigned products are not substantially more effective than their competitor’s products, I do give Natureday credit for being more environmentally sensitive. Organic products are gown in such a way that is both in tune with and safer for the natural environment.

To find out more about Natureday’s switch to organic ingredients and the breast enlarging products they offer click here: Natureday Breast Products.

Breast Health Video

Almost every morning, I do a series of stretching which gets the blood flowing and removes out the morning stiffness from my legs, back and arms. Not too long ago, I adding the breast health exercise that is described in the video below to my exercise routine.

The exercise helps the flow of lymph fluids – the non-blood fluid that travels between our body’s cells bringing hormones and other bio-chemicals where needed. These fluids are most easily moved by the movement of our muscles – tensing and relaxing. Of course, the breasts do not have muscles inside of them, so it is the general movement of the body – walking, bending, lifting, etc. that helps move these fluids in breast tissue.

The exercise in the video directly makes you breasts move and also helps tone up the muscles below your breasts. This is a yoga exercise, very simple to do and more details are given as you watch the video. I feel better doing the exercise and I think I look better, too!

Private Observations about my Breasts

As I mentioned, I normally do a series of stretching exercises before breakfast each day. This includes eventually laying flat on my stomach on the floor. And even though I have had breasts for many years now, I still notice and have a certain satisfaction when the tips of my breasts touch the mat and then become compressed. You would think I would have gotten over my inner delight on having breasts by now, but they are still wonderful to have!

This brings to another subject I want to touch on. Often I have heard from men that a major concern they have it what their wives will think if they grow breasts. To which I have often replied that if there is love between you,and if you maintain your normal physical relationship, your breasts should not be an issue between the two of you.

And here is an example of what I mean. Over time my wife and I have developed physical intimacies that I imagine most couple create. This can be hugs or quick kisses in moments of privacy. But now our intimate moments also include, when my wife, who is shorter than me, comes over and nuzzles my breasts with her head. Or sometimes, when we are holding each other, she may unbutton my shirt and suckle me for a few seconds.

While these actions may seem to be sexual in nature (and sometimes they are), they are generally just moments of delighting in each other company or comforting each other. In the same way that hugging and holding your spouse can be just an expression of mutual love and physically telling each other, I am here for you. My having breasts, has just added a couple of more ways that we can express our “Little moments of intimacy.”

And this is nice for both of us.

News About Breast Health

Why women of all ages need to monitor their breast health

The Global Legal Post - 10 hours ago

Nebraska Breast Health Navigation Program breaks barriers

University of Nebraska Medical Center - 3 weeks ago

Black Women and Breast Cancer: Why Disparities Persist and How to End Them

Breast Cancer Research Foundation - 3 weeks ago

News via Google. See more news matching 'breast health'

An Upgrade to the Use of Phytoestrogens to Enlarge Breasts
Oct 19th, 2011 by Aleya

An Upgrade to the Use of Phytoestrogens to Enlarge Breasts

If you have done any research about male breast enlargement, you have learned about phytoestrogens – plant extracts that can turn on your body’s breast growing process. Beyond making your own supplements using the herbal plant extracts, there are many fine breast enlarging products that use phytoestrogens.

Today, I wanted to let you know about a company that has added an “upgrade” to the use of phytoestrogens. I am referring to Total Curve’s 2-part system. One part includes taking the typical herbal supplements. The second part involves the use of a cream that includes sarsasapogenin – a substance that cases fat cell to grow in quantity and volume.

The following is information from the Total Curve website:

    How Total Curve Enhances Your Body with Beautiful Breasts

    Some breast enhancement techniques involve pumps that clamp onto your breasts for months at a time. Other options include padded bras that don’t enhance your breasts at all. Then of course, there is the infamous breast implant surgery, in which a surgeon slices your breasts open to insert silicone implants that will eventually need to be replaced and require lengthy and expensive recurring surgeries. We at Total Curve would rather give you natural and beautiful breasts without knives or clamps. In fact, everything you need to grow your breasts with Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy comes from within your body. Here’s how it works.

    Estrogen plays an important role in the size and shape of your breasts. Because of this, your first step in the breast augmentation process with Total Curve is the Total Curve Daily Supplement, which contains a series of natural and safe phytoestrogens to increase your overall breast volume. These phytoestrogens mimic estrogen’s role in the breast development process. The Daily Supplement also contains a variety of herbals, nutrients and antioxidants that promote overall breast health while reducing symptoms of PMS, menopause, diminished sex drive and vaginal dryness. Take one capsule twice a day for best results.

    The second step in enhancing your breasts with Total Curve is our Total Curve Lifting and Firming Gel, which you apply to your breasts every day, injecting them with vital cell-pumping action. Volufiline, which is clinically proven to grow breast fatty cells by 640%, is the secret weapon here. Volufiline contains sarsasapogenin, which stimulates lipogenesis and stimulates the fatty cells in your breasts to grow in quantity and volume.

    A little more about Volufiline. Recent clinical tests have shown tremendous potential for this stimulator of breast tissue. In two surveys, of two groups of women between the ages of 18 and 35, who were not pregnant or breast feeding and who had all maintained a stable weight for three months, participants applied Volufiline to one breast, twice daily. Scientists measured the results on days 28 and 56 of the survey. Twenty-five per cent of the women reported an increase of breast size of 6.6% on day 28 and 8.4 % on day 56. That’s without the scarring, discomfort and side effects associated with other breast augmentation methods.

    The third step in enhancing your breasts is the Total Curve Exercise Program. Exercise in itself does not increase volume of fatty tissue in your breasts. However, it does tone the muscles supporting your breasts, which provides a natural breast lift and makes them appear larger. We walk you through all the exercises, which are easily performed, either in a gym or at home, with or without equipment. Lead an active lifestyle and time is in short supply? No problem, they’re easy to incorporate into your day, and easy to perform for beginners.

    With these three steps, of the phytoestrogen-packed Daily Supplement, the Volufiline-formulated Activator Gel and the Total Curve Exercise Program, Total Curve offers you the safest, healthiest and most effective natural breast therapy available. With Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy, you will have beautiful and bountiful breasts. This is our guarantee.

The information from the website indicates that the product is for women who have small breasts and want to enhance them. Whether this is the best breast enlarging program to try for a male who has yet to grow breasts – I don’t know. But I wanted to bring this to your attention.

I am particularly intrigued by the breast cream that causes the fat cells to grow larger. Total Curve maybe the just the thing for those men who have stopped growing before reaching their desired cup size to restart the process. Or maybe, it is just the product for those who, like me, obtained their breasts a few years ago – but might want to try a second round of growth?

A quick disclosure, the links here are affiliate links.

If you want to know more about Total Curve, Click Here.

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