Trans Sexual Spells – Magic Spells For Becoming A Woman
May 21st, 2011 by Aleya

Trans Sexual Spells – Magic Spells For Becoming A Woman

Some men with breasts or men who want to have breasts – have a further goal in mind – they want to bring the woman within themselves to the forefront – this might be at an emotional level or the goal might be a complete physical change into woman.

As I have referred to be before – I believe there are many variations of gender possible – from the four traditional male and female roles to heterosexual men with breasts to men who want to live life as a compete woman… Whatever your personal goal might be – there are many methods and tools at your disposal.

One tool, to help bring out the inner woman within you – that you might not have considered before – is the use of a trans sexual spell!

Such trans sexual spells might help you change emotionally, adjust your personality, change your voice or assist in other physical changes. Can such magic spells actually work?

I don’t know… I do know that there is more to this reality than we normally talk about. I do know that at the edges of physics – scientists have found a border that might be the realm of magic. I have had personal experiences that are paranormal in definition…

But whether you are a current believer in magic or not, I did want to bring this possibility to your attention. Part of making a change – once you know you want to – is to believe in that change. And belief is a kind of magic that leads to real actions and becoming the person you really are…

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