Spousal Teasing and Male Breast Enlargement
Jul 15th, 2011 by Aleya

Spousal Teasing and Male Breast Enlargement

The other day, my wife came up to me and asked the following question:

“What do Sir Isaac Newton and Breasts have in common?”

I shook my head in bewilderment and she answered,


One of the wonderful things about growing breasts as a married man, is that a whole new field of spousal teasing and humor has opened up between my wife and I.

I can point out that mine are perkier than hers – since they are only three years old or so, while she has had her breasts for, well, many years. Of course, hers are larger than mine…

So now we have this secret area to explore and share, and it does not just rest in the area of spousal teasing. My new breasts contain a wisdom or knowledge of their own. The sensations and physical changes have given me another way to understand my wife as a woman. There is information in the new pleasures as well as the soreness that sometimes my breasts have. I also think that somehow having breasts invokes within me some deeper, more nurturing sense of being…

It is too bad that all men do not experience having breasts – relationships with their partners would be better and I think the world would thus be a better place.

Nonetheless, sharing this common anatomy with my wife has enhanced our relationship and made it more fun. Good natured spousal teasing leads to lots of laughter…

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