Making Your Male Breast Enlargement Program More Successful
Oct 26th, 2011 by Aleya

Making Your Male Breast Enlargement Program More Successful

Are there things you can do to make your male breast enlargement program more successful?


Get plenty of sleep. You are asking your body to grow and this takes energy. You do not want your body to be too tired to make your breasts grow. Getting the right amount of rest will ensure that your body can use the supplements you are taking to their best advantage. There were some nights I would go to sleep and the next morning I could tell my breast were bigger.

Eliminate Stress. We live in a stress filled world and that stress can interfere with the best functioning of your body. Take mental and physical breaks that allow you to relax more during the day.

Smart Physical Exercise. You are starting to induce new breasts to appear – this is not the time to do heavy physical activities nor to start a weight loss program. You want your body to work on adding fat cells to your breasts and making new connective tissue – not be busy building up muscle tissue in your arms and legs. Do enough exercise to keep fit and keep your circulation system going – this will help nutrients and phyotoestrogens to reach your your new breast tissue.

Reduce Your Caffeine. Simply put, too much caffeine can interfere with the functioning of the “hormonal” supplements you are taking. Does this mean you can’t have any caffeine at all? Probably not. Although this is a good opportunity to take a break from drinking coffee or tea. And I definitely would stay away for sodas that have caffeine in them.

Eat Wisely. Add a protein shake with whey or hemp powder with soy or almond milk and a little ice cream to your breakfast each day. Eat well balanced organic meals and supplement your diet with flax seed oil or fish/krill oil for the omega fats. You want to add the nutritional building blocks that your breasts need to grow…

Generally, these are all suggestions that one should incorporate for a healthy life. Starting up a male breast enlargement program is also a good time to fine tune your healthy living lifestyle.

Feminization Breast Enlargement

This is a 2 minute sample hypnosis session from is intended to make your subconscious mind manipulate your hormone levels to increase your estrogen. Thus increasing your estrogen levels to grow feminine breasts and make your body more of…

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