Jenny asks…
I go to and any others you know of?
Never heard about queerdom… And I use other great site.
Lisa asks…
I’ve noticed a lot of T/ B / F message boards can be really cliquey and sometimes judgemental. This one is really friendly with great articles
Stop, I’m trying to stay straight for awhile. Lol.
Ken asks…
I’m aware of what a transboi is. In fact, I am one. But I’m not that “manly” in some ways, as some might say. But what exactly is a femme trans boi? Is he “feminine” in the way that many cisgirls are, but he’s still a male? I’m not exactly sure what I am. I feel as though I’m in the middle of butch and femme as a transguy.
A feminine transsexual that is a guy.
Daniel asks…
Specifically, if a transperson identifies as straight and their partner is straight ( and not part of any of the GLBT) is the transperson likely to recieve abuse if they act too much like their birth gender; as though there are higher expectations for transperson to be recieved as male or female (especially when non trans persons can be as butch/femme as they like)? for K- My question is asking if a transperson in a relationship with a straight person (and said straight person is NOT at all part of the GLBT group) is likely to recieve abuse for acting as their birth gender- for example, if a transman is with a straight woman, would the transman be at risk of emotional abuse from the woman if he, the transman, were to act femininely or appear much more feminine on certain days to the point where he is more feminine than his partner? in appearance and voice?
No, but often they commit crimes against their partners there was just recently an article on a trannie whose ” husband” paid for his sex change then the trannie drown the old guy in the swimming pool in an attempt to inherit his money……
Susan asks…
lesbians/bis…..What type of girls are you physically attracted to? 1. Femme, butch, andro, trans, futch/femme but tomboyish? 2. Hair color? Hair texture? 3. Eye color? 4. Skin tone- pale, light tan, light brown, dark brown, very dark? 5. Style- prep, conservative, sporty, casual, hipster, hippie? 6. Ethnicity or race? Or doesn’t matter 7. Weight-overweight, medium weight, skinny? 8. Height- petite, average, tall?
Femme Blonde Dark Brown Tan I don’t mind, kind of sporty White Medium Average
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Is there any article of clothing that is more associated with being a woman than the bra? Kilts are the same as skirts. Togas and kimonas are somewhat like dresses. Shirts are like blouses. Men and women share many clothes that have different names, but look quite similar – except for the bra.
That is why I think that – for a man who is growing breasts – the moment when it makes sense to wear a bra is such a milestone. Whether it is a physical or emotional breakthrough or a psychological or symbolic moment – putting on a bra to support your new breasts, for the first time, is special. The little piece of clothing states, upon its wearing, that you are someone new.
Just as for young women, the first bra marks a coming of age, for a man enlarging his breast or other feminizing action, a bra can also mark that moment of true change…
For me, even after several years of wearing bras, I still get a “psychological boost” from them. Which is one of the pros of wearing a bra. Other pros include keeping me warmer in the winter – just another layer of cloth to keep away the cold air. In the summer, my bras do get damp from perspiration – which leads to a nice cooling effect, when a breeze hits the front of my body.
Of course, bras also support your breasts, which is important. And depending upon what you wear, a bra can actually de-emphasize your breasts – if your desire is to not let the general public know that you are a man with breasts.
On the con side of wearing a bra. Since my variation in gender is private, I generally wear clothes that obscure my breasts. There are some shirts that I cannot wear under those conditions because a bra will show through.
Additionally, the straps sometimes come loose or off my shoulders and need to be adjusted. And the straps sometimes bug my shoulders a little bit – comfort wise. And I do have to make tugging adjustments on the cups. But I suppose that any set of clothing needs adjustments from time to time…
I guess the only real con about wearing a bra is taking the time to put the bra on in the first place. Sometimes, I feel rushed when getting dressed and putting on a bra is one more step I have to take to get ready for work. And I do find it necessary to wear a bra at work or when I know I will be doing particular physical activities. Otherwise – my breasts will hurt, if they go unsupported.
In general, I love wearing a bra and I love the fact that I need to wear a bra. So what about you? How do you feel about wearing a bra? Leave a comment…
My opportunity to modify my gender – becoming a feman or more feminized male did not happen in a vacuum. Many men and women before me explored the various shades of gender that humans have and can have. They had operations and underwent hormone therapies to change their gender from male or female to male.
These transsexuals and transvestites and others had the courage to express their inner selves, despite what body they were born in, and despite what the general society of the moment said was right and wrong. It is right to be yourself and today we live in a world where it is much easier, in many more places, to be ourselves…
I want to express my appreciation for these gender pioneers who both created a safer social environment and pushed science to explore the possible ways to enhance and change our bodies. The knowledge that allowed me to experience male breast enlargement was due to those who came before us.
We, too, are gender pioneers – a heterosexual male with breasts is just one of the possible gender expressions and each of us is developing a unique expression. And this, I believe, makes our human society richer and better prepared for the future.
When I started growing breasts, I thought that it would preclude me from every being President…
But now I wonder, what with you, my peers, and other gender pioneers changing the boundaries of the possible, a day may come, not so long from now, that a man with breasts (or other gender variation) can be President…
I appreciate you all.
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