Musing About Cup Sizes
Oct 28th, 2011 by Aleya

Musing About Cup Sizes

As you first embark upon your program of male breast enlargement, you will want to put a tape measure to your chest. As your breasts begin to develop, you will measure again and again as a way of determining your progress.

It is exciting when you can say – “Yes, I am an A Cup.” And that should happen pretty quickly…

When I reached a B Cup, that is when I really knew inside, that this was real – that I had breasts and that I was always going to have breasts. It really works!

Still, It wasn’t until I reached my current C Cup size that anyone really noticed my more feminine shape. A lot of that has to do with my shoulders and general physique. I am very happy with the results, but a part of me wishes I was a little bigger – than I could really stand out – so to speak. Of course, there is much you can do with various bras and clothing…

Yet, whatever results size-wise you actually have, it is having real breasts like women have that truly counts. For me it is the journey – the exploration of my feminine side that continues to fascinate me (actually my breasts do, too.).

The Most Attractive Breast Size According To Science

What do men want? Well, if we are talking about what men are looking for in a physical sense, it seems science has worked that out for us.

Musing About Cup Sizes

related articles and excerpts…

In October 1932, the S.H. Camp and Company were the first to measure cup size by the letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, and D, though the letters represented how pendulous the breasts were and not their volume. Camp’s advertising in the February 1933 issue of Corset and Underwear Review featured letter labeled profiles of breasts. Cup sizes A through D were not intended to be used for larger breasted people.

Breasts are different around the world… Australia and New Zealand use a permutation of the British system. Cup sizes are the same, but Australia’s bra band measurement system is based on dress sizing charts. However, dress sizes and cuts are calculated for B and C cups only, so basing the choice of band size upon dress size is not an accurate way to get the bra size. Depending upon a person’s build, a size 16 may wear a 16 C (UK 40 C), a 14 DD, 12 F or a 10 G (UK 34 G) underneath their clothes, because all bra sizes are made for the same chest circumference.

Manufacturer Fruit of the Loom attempted to solve the problem of finding a well fitting bra for asymmetrical breasts by introducing Pick Your Perfect Bra, which allow people to choose a bra with two different cup sizes, although it is only available in A through D cup sizes.

Ladies, Does Your Breast Size Affect Your Self-esteem


A cartoon about how your self-image may influence your cup size. By Donna Barstow… As George Costanza's father explains in Seinfeld, brassieres come in several sizes: A, B, C, and D. D is the biggest cup size. He also

Braless in Brasil: Cup sizes are NOT created equally


A common confusion when it comes to bra sizing is what exactly the cup size means. Essentially, they match up the difference between the bust and underbust measurement and match it up with a letter (don't ask me why!).

    Breast Cup Related Items For Sale

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