Can Men Take Phytoestrogens, Too?
Apr 16th, 2011 by Aleya

Can Men Take Phytoestrogens, Too?

Yes, men can and should, if they want to grow breasts, like women have. I used phytoestrogens to grow my C cup sized breasts.

So what are phytoestrogens and why do they work on men?

First phytoestrogens are estrogen-like compounds found in plants. When taken as supplements or absorbed via a breast enlarging cream, these compounds act on the body in the same way that the hormones do when released by women during puberty. Phytoestrogens interact with cell receptors in the breast area and turn on the breast growing mechanism. Or for women who already have breasts, they cause their breasts to get bigger.

Men are genetically born with all the cellular requirements needed to grow breasts, but during puberty, male hormones dominate and we gain male characteristics. Still the potential to grow breast remains within us, waiting to be activated, if desired, by phytoestrogens.

Phytoestyrogens are found in several plants you maybe familiar with, such as fennel and fenugreek and even hops. Most breast enhancement supplements and breast creams contain a variety of plant compounds carefully balanced to work synergistically on growing breasts.

There are many manufactures of breast enlargement products, marketed to women, that will work just as well for men. Each may have a slightly different formula, so some may work better for you than others. And, of course, you can create your own phytoestrogen regime.

I recommended Natureday’s Organic Breast Cream as a breast enlarging cream and Total Curve for phytoestogens in a supplement form.

For a man to naturally grow breasts, phytoestrogens are an effective way to go.

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Growth Hormone Important For Growing Your Breasts
Mar 12th, 2011 by Aleya

Growth Hormone Important For Growing Your Breasts


Natural breast enlargement is all about hormones (or pseudo hormones). You’re probably familiar with the breast enlarging effects of estrogen (or the phytoestrogens in breast enlarging herbs), but there is a “forgotten” hormone that is just as important: the growth hormone.

Growth hormone is a protein hormone of about 190 amino acids that is synthesized and secreted by cells called somatotrophs in the anterior pituitary.

Growth hormone is released in large amounts during puberty, promoting the growth of cells, tissues, and organs. Without enough growth hormone, your body – and your breasts – simply wouldn’t grow.

Unfortunately, growth hormone levels start to drop off after the age of 25. That means that you will want to pump up growth hormone production, if you want to see the best results of a breast enlargement program.

How can you increase your levels of growth hormone?

Growth hormone is naturally secreted during deep sleep and exercise, so the solution is simple: Be sure to get plenty of shut eye and a nice workout at least twice a week. You may also want to check out supplements that help stimulate the natural production of growth hormone such as GenF20 Plus

So don’t forget about this important ingredient for the best results in your breast enlargement!

Some of the information for this post comes from Lucille Sorella, author of the Flat To Fem Breast Enlargement Program.


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Those Breast Enlarging Phytoestrogens – What Are They?
Jan 13th, 2011 by Aleya

Those Breast Enlarging Phytoestrogens – What Are They?

If you are a man who wants to have his own female breasts – you probably have begun to investigate breast enhancing or breast enlarging products. Perhaps, you have seen ads about breast creams and/or breast enlargement pills.

What are the “special ingredients” in these products? Men are growing breasts, naturally, through the use of creams and supplements that contain phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are a group of chemicals present in various plant foods that have a weak, but effective, estrogen-like effect on the body. Phyto stands for plant and estrogen, of course, is the main female hormone.

Phytoestrogens are present in grains, legumes, grasses, herbs, nuts and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Phytoestrogens are weaker than endogenous (made by your body) estrogen which means they do not bind as well to hormone receptors and are quickly excreted or broken down into other compounds.

And that is good thing as they do not accumulate in body tissue. They do their job of stimulating breast growth and then disappear from the body.

Concentrated extracts are made from plants that have the highest concentration of phytoestrogens. These extracts are placed into supplements or are added to breast creams.

Various phytoestrogens effect the body in various ways: Some, like saw palmetto, reduce the amount of testosterone in the body which makes the other phytoestrogens more effective.

Others, like fenugreek, instruct the breasts to start growing. Several different phytoestrogens are usually taken together to work synergistically to help the breasts enlargement process.

There maybe some other effects, when these supplements are taken by men, you may feel more feminine and have “brighter moods.” But they do not cause you to gain weight, anywhere, but where you want it – in your new breasts.

By the way, ever notice how busty the women from Germany seem to be? Germany is a beer drinking country – and hops, a major ingredient in beer, is a breast enlarging phytoestrogen!

Of course, I am not saying you should start drinking a lot of beer – but you can take hops as a phytoestrogen supplement…

Much of what I have learned about phytoestrogens and how to use them can be found in the Breast Enlargement Guide Book, Flat To Fem.

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