The Jiggly Stage – Male Breast Enlargement
Jan 27th, 2011 by Aleya

The Jiggly Stage – Male Breast Enlargement

There was an interesting point in my breast development which began about a month or two, after I started my male breast enlargement program, and lasted for 2-3 months thereafter. It is what I call the jiggly stage. Others I have talked to have told me that they experienced something similar to what I will describe here…

When my breasts had grown about a cup size, they began to move in a way I had never felt before – they jiggled. They moved and that movement felt like a cup of jello inside (well two cups). I imagine what I felt was the collection of new fat cells that my body was putting in place. It was one of the important moments when I knew that my body was changing and that growing breasts was a reality.

I thought this stage would last forever, imagining that is how breasts were supposed to be, but eventually my new breasts stopped moving and even today they are fairly immobile unless I take very physical actions. I believe that after the fat cells were in place, my body began to make the interconnecting tissues to keep them in place – a lattice work.

Some men who start on a breast enlarging program – may already have “breasts” due to being overweight. These are not actually real breasts, of course – just regular fat deposits. If this is you and you have just started on a program to make your breasts real – watch for the jiggly stage – it is another sign that your program is working and your body is creating real female breasts.

What are you experiencing? Please feel free to share your thoughts and feeling. Your comments are always welcome.

Shake Up Your Male Breast Enlargement Program
Jan 7th, 2011 by Aleya

Shake Up Your Male Breast Enlargement Program

If you have started on a male breast enlargement program, you should realize that there is more than just taking breast enlargement supplements or creams that you should do. And one of those is to make sure your body has the building blocks (nutrients) to grow your breasts.

When you grow breasts you are asking the body to rearrange cells and add new ones to your chest area. You want to make sure that the raw materials are available as your body start creating those real breasts.

An important set of nutrients to create cells are proteins. This is basic and is why I recommend that you add a protein shake to your diet. Depending upon what else you eat during the day, you should drink a protein shake in the morning and perhaps a second one later in the day.

Here is a simple protein shake that I make:

    1 scoop of organic hemp protein powder or organic whey protein powder
    1-2 cups of organic soy milk
    1 table spoon of ice cream for flavoring.

Combine the ingredients and stir together or use a blender. Drink!

Of course, you can be more elaborate by adding yogurt or fruit. And you should adjust the amounts to match your tastes and what you believe are your nutritional needs. I tried both whey protein and hemp protein powders and found I liked the somewhat “nutty” taste of the hemp protein better, but you should pick what you like best.

I was never much into protein shakes until I started growing my breasts, but I found it very easy to add this simple protein shake to my daily diet.

When you think about it, you are going through a new period of puberty again, where you are asking your body to add a set of female characteristics. You may not have paid too much attention to what you ate during your teenage years, but this time around, think about what your body needs and provide it.

Most people can find protein powders in your local area, but if you can’t or prefer to shop online here are two links for: Organic Hemp Protein and Organic Whey Protein. Of course, there are many other brands besides these two…

Bon appetit!

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